Pre-School: 3 & 4 Year Olds
To enquire for a waiting list space for our Pre-school Room, check our availability or for more information, please email
Marie Gleadow or
Jo Newby who will get back to you promptly.
About Pre-School Room…
Our 3 & 4 year old rooms are our Pre-School / Orange Rooms department with a staff:child ratio of 1:8.
In Pre-School your child will be encouraged to continue to explore their independence as well as challenge their capabilites. Pre-School reflects largely on the children’s celebrations over achieving milestones and successes. Pre-School is very much child-led play, with the children choosing their activities and resources, with the staff stimulating a creative and curious mind, encouraging the children to think for themselves and to begin to overcome problem solving.
Pre-School tend to love their garden play, expressing themselves physically through powerful gross-motor skills. Group play is strongely encouraged and witnessed.
Our Pre-School offers both low level toilets, potties and low level sinks – catering for every stage of your child’s development. It’s the aim in Pre-School for your child to be toilet trained if they’re not already.
Pre-School’s day to day activities discreetly promotes every child’s ‘school readiness’, encouraging each child to think for themselves, be able to practice hygiene and self-care routines with ease and to form strong, confident self-esteems and self-awareness perceptions.
The September after your child turns 4 they will then begin their new journey…big school! Every year we have a ‘School Leaver Graduation’, celebrating the children’s time with us and a lovely memory to say goodbye.